It’s that time of year! Whoever is on your list this season, we have the perfect gift. This year we are offering 50% off the ebook/audiobook version of every book included in the gift guide! Keep reading to get the discount codes for each grouping of books.
For the person who grows their own tomatoes, uses pressed flowers as bookmarks, and is a regular poster in their neighborhood’s activist Facebook group.
Use the discount code HOLIDAYTOMATO at checkout for 50% off the audiobook or ebook versions of the books in this stack.
The Annual Migration of Clouds by Premee Mohamed
Field Study: Meditations on a Year at the Herbarium by Helen Humphreys
In Praise of Retreat: Finding Sanctuary in the Modern World by Kirsteen MacLeod
Happily Ever Older: Revolutionary Approaches to Long-Term Care by Moira Welsh
This One Wild Life: A Mother – Daughter Wilderness Memoir by Angie Abdou
Flower Diary: In Which Mary Hiester Reid Paints, Travels, Marries & Opens a Door by Molly Peacock
The Environmentalist’s Dilemma: Promise and Peril in an Age of Climate Crisis by Arno Kopecky
Nerve: Lessons on Leadership from Two Women Who Went First by Martha Piper & Indira Samarasekera
Stung: An Arthur Beauchamp Novel by William Deverell
For the person who remembers all the lyrics to “We Didn’t Start the Fire,” knows where to find the best albums in the bins at their local record store, and always turns the amp up to 11.
Use the discount code HOLIDAYRECORD at checkout for 50% off the audiobook or ebook versions of the books in this stack.
The Healing Power of Singing: Raise Your Voice, Change Your Life (What Touring with David Bowie, Single Parenting and Ditching the Music Business Taught Me in 25 Easy Steps) by Emm Gryner
Reinvention: Poems by Rik Emmett
Goodbye, Guns N’ Roses: The Crime, Beauty, and Amplified Chaos of America’s Most Polarizing Band by Art Tavana
Anthem: Rush in the ’70s by Martin Popoff
Limelight: Rush in the ’80s by Martin Popoff
Driven: Rush in the ’90s and “In the End” by Martin Popoff
For the person who loves to read the “staff picks” recommendation cards at a bookstore, stays up late to binge-watch the new Netflix show, and whose home is filled with the coolest art.
Use the discount code HOLIDAYNETFLIX at checkout for 50% off the audiobook or ebook versions of the books in this stack.
Extra Salty: Jennifer’s Body by Frederick Blichert
Pull Focus by Helen Walsh
The Light Streamed Beneath It: A Memoir of Grief and Celebration and Shawn Hitchins
What’s the Matter with Mary Jane?: An Epitome Apartments Mystery by Candas Jane Dorsey
Mere Extinction: Poems by Evie Christie
Is This Scary?: Poems by Jacob Scheier
Broken Dawn Blessings by Adam Sol
Problematica: New and Selected Poems 1995 – 2020 by George Murray
The Way Between Things: The Art of Sandra Meigs by Sandra Meigs and Helen Marzolf
For the person who always roots for the underdog teams, knows Dwayne Johnson primarily as a wrestler instead of an actor, and is always down for a pick-up game.

Use the discount code HOLIDAYROCK at checkout for 50% off the audiobook or ebook versions of the books in this stack.
Austin 3:16: 316 Facts and Stories about Stone Cold Steve Austin by Michael McAvennie
Mat Memories: My Wild Life in Pro Wrestling, Country Music, and with The Mets by John “Alexander” Arezzi
The Wrestlers’ Wrestlers: The Masters of the Craft of Professional Wrestling by Dan Murphy and Brian Young
Klondikers: Dawson City’s Stanley Cup Challenge and How a Nation Fell in Love with Hockey by Tim Falconer
DeRo: My Life by Dwayne De Rosario with Brendan Dunlop
A Helluva Life in Hockey: A Memoir by Brian McFarlane
Inexact Science: The Six Most Compelling Draft Years in NHL History by Evan Dowbiggin and Bruce Dowbiggin
For the person who runs your friend group’s book club, gives the most thoughtful gifts, and puts together the coziest potluck get-togethers.
Use the discount code HOLIDAYPOTLUCK at checkout for 50% off the audiobook or ebook versions of the books in this stack.
How to Examine a Wolverine: More Tales from the Accidental Veterinarian by Philipp Schott
Time Squared: A Novel by Lesley Krueger
Unatoned: A Memoir by Brent LaPorte
The Willow Wren: A Novel by Philipp Schott
Savage Gerry: A Novel by John Jantunen
Cracked Pots: A Novel by Heather Tucker
Day for Night: A Novel by Jean McNeil
The Call of the Rift: Crest by Jae Waller
For the person who tells you “if this were the 90s, crypto would be Apple stock,” sends you the most fascinating articles, and is your best shot at winning team trivia night.
Use the discount code HOLIDAYTRIVIA at checkout for 50% off the audiobook or ebook versions of the books in this stack.
Act: The Modern Actor’s Handbook by David Rotenberg
Once a Bitcoin Miner: Scandal and Turmoil in the Cryptocurrency Wild West by Ethan Lou
The Rule of 30: A Better Way to Save for Retirement by Frederick Vettese
Science Goes Viral: Captivating Accounts of Science in Everyday Life by Dr. Joe Schwarcz
Train (Your Brain) Like an Olympian: Gold Medal Techniques to Unleash Your Potential at Work by Jean François Ménard with Marie Malchelosse
Leadership Moments from NASA: Achieving the Impossible by Dr. Dave Williams and Elizabeth Howell
Billion Dollar Start – Up: The True Story of How a Couple of 29–Year–Olds Turned $35,000 into a $1,000,000,000 Cannabis Company by Adam Miron, Sébastien St-Louis, & Julie Beun
Shifting the Balance: How Top Organizations Beat the Competition by Combining Intuition with Data by Mark Schrutt
A Portrait of Canada’s Parliament / Un Portrait du Parlement du Canada by William McElligott
For the person who loves a good mystery, can always predict a movie’s plot twist, and would never run up the stairs when being chased by a villain.
Use the discount code HOLIDAYPLOTTWIST at checkout for 50% off the audiobook or ebook versions of the books in this stack.
Under an Outlaw Moon: A Novel by Dietrich Kalteis
The Truth You’re Told: A Crime Novel by Michael J. Clark
Every City Is Every Other City: A Gordon Stewart Mystery by John McFetridge
The Murders That Made Us: How Vigilantes, Mob Bosses, Serial Killers, and Cult Leaders Built the San Francisco Bay Area by Bob Calhoun
The “Mr. Big” Sting: The Cases, the Killers, the Controversial Confessions by Mark Stobbe
Arrow’s Rest by Joel Scott
An Image in the Lake by Gail Bowen
The Keening: A Mystery of Gaelic Ireland by Anne Emery
The Donnellys, Volume I: Powder Keg, 1840 – 1880 by John Little
The Donnellys, Volume II: Massacre, Trial and Aftermath, 1880 – 1916 by John Little
Still not sure which book would be best? Take our Gift Finder Quiz!