If you’re thinking of including an ECW Press title in your library’s collection, we think you’ve made an excellent choice! Our books cover a wide range of topics, from poetry to popular science to sports history. You can find information about all of our titles here on our website, or take a look through our seasonal catalogues, listed here.
At ECW Press, we want library patrons to be able to read our books in whatever format they choose and to have every opportunity to discover new authors and new works by favourite Canadian writers. We’ve always believed that the library price should be the same price as the retail price on a single-user basis, with no expiry, but with a reasonable circulation cap before re-purchase.
The Canadian public library coalition’s campaign about fair ebook pricing has got us thinking at ECW: is there more we can do to encourage libraries to buy our ebooks? Is it most reasonable to charge libraries retail price with a circulation cap, or are there better options? Please tell us with this 30-second survey. (We promise, 30 seconds!)
NetGalley is a great place for us to connect with public and academic librarians like you. Each month, we update our profile with five or more upcoming titles available for review, and e-galleys are free! Visit our NetGalley page to see a list of the titles that we’re currently offering. If you’re a librarian, we will approve your requests — just be sure that your profile notes which library you work at. ALA members can add their member numbers to their profiles, and ECW auto-approves all ALA members.
A few times a year, we send out newsletters specifically tailored to librarians across Canada and the U.S. These newsletters include information about new and forthcoming titles that we think will be of interest, as well as special offers and event information about our library conference/exhibit participation. Find our newsletter archives here.