A Sourcery for Books 1 and 2 of bpNichol’s The Martyrology - ECW Press

A Sourcery for Books 1 and 2 of bpNichol’s The Martyrology

Niechoda, Irene

  • Nichol's The Martyrology has been acclaimed the most important long poem ever written in Canada. Based on extensive research of Nichol's manuscript collection at Simon Fraser University, Niechoda has been able to explain many of the obscure words and phrases in the first two books of The Martyrology. Any future reading of the poem will necessarily rely on Niechoda's illuminations.
  • IRENE NIECHODA received her M.A. from Simon Fraser University, and is currently working towards a Ph.D. at the University of Victoria.

  • Published: September 1992

    ISBN: 9781550221022

    Dimensions: 6 x 9 in.

    Pages: 214
