Secret San Francisco: The Unique Guidebook to San Francisco's Hidden Sites, Sounds, and Tastes - ECW Press

Secret San Francisco: The Unique Guidebook to San Francisco's Hidden Sites, Sounds, and Tastes

Armstrong, David

  • San Francisco is two cities: The pretty tourist mecca of glossy travel brochures, and the layered, flawed, intoxicating city that San Franciscans actually live in. Secret™ San Francisco is for those travelers who want to go beyond the postcard photo-ops and tried and untrue tourist destinations to explore the vibrant neighbourhoods, intimate hideaways, and out-there adventures that make San Francisco so much more than pretty. Secret™ San Francisco was written to help you lose yourself in the city and come to know it the way locals do. So you’ll fall in love with San Francisco, but your love won’t be blind.

    With Secret™ San Francisco,  take a walk on the city’s extreme-and-proud-of-it wild side: ‘Secret Cop Bars,’ ‘Secret Vibrators ’n Stuff,’ ‘Secret Taiwanese Pearl Drinks,’ ‘Secret Not of This Earth,’ ‘Secret Swank,’ ‘Secret Revolution,’ ‘Secret Sam Spade & Dashiell Hammett.’ Only in San Fran!

    Tourist traps? San Francisco has plenty. Armstrong levels with you about them, and tells you where to find the secret treasures buried in the tackiest of traps. Got laundry to do? Chill out with California craft beers while your clothes chill in another kind of suds.

    Need a makeover? Buy clothing by the pound and get your hair and nails done while sipping cocktails. Afterwards, go dancing at the all-night danceterias.

    Feeling peckish? Secret™ San Francisco dishes out huge portions of food and drink in the American city with the most restaurants per capita. Smack your lips over San Francisco’s most elegant expense-account Valhallas, no-frills, ultra-cheap joints, and muticultural delights. Lick your way through saffron-rose and cardammon flavours at an ice-cream parlour and swim without shame in the glorious grease and pillowing starch of white-trash food at a unique bistro. It figures that a book about this great food town begins with ‘Secret All You Can Eat’ and ends with ‘Secret Wine.’ One more thing: We also show you where to find the rarest commodity of all in a compact city clogged with SUVs and pickup trucks on steroids: a parking space.

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  • David Armstrong is a staff writer at the San Francisco Chronicle.  He has also written for the San Francisco Examiner, Travel and Leisure, The Los Angeles Times, and Village Voice.  He is the author of three previous books, The Insider’s Guide to Health Foods and A Trumpet to Arms: Alternative Media in America,  and co-author of The Great American Medicine Show.

  • Published: April 2001

    ISBN: 9781550224382

    Dimensions: 5 x 7 in.

    Pages: 276
