Technolife 2020: A Day in the World of Tomorrow - ECW Press

Technolife 2020: A Day in the World of Tomorrow

Gresh, Lois

  • By the author of the Chuck Farris series, a nominee for the Nebula Best Novel, Bram Stoker, and Theodore Sturgeon Awards. Ever wonder what your life will be like in 20 years, when technology permeates everything you do? When you read Lois Gresh’s TechnoLife 2020, you will know exactly how future scientific breakthroughs will dramatically affect the way the everyman lives, works, and plays.The book is part novel, part scientific explanation. The blend of fiction and science shows you how technology will affect Joe Leinster’s everyday life in 2020. From the intimate perspective of a voyeur, we explore every facet of Joe’s life in the form of a fictional story on the right pages of the book. The left pages contain the actual scientific explanation of how things will work 20 years from now in every area of Joe’s life. We watch him struggle to keep his sanity while he chases the elusive and exotic glamour babe of tomorrow, Sherry Anne Scaturro. We pop inside Sherry Anne’s head and go with her to the shrink, the gynaecologist, and her high-tech job.

    TechnoLife 2020: Virtual love, virtual work, junk food that’s good for you, self-monitoring of brain waves and psycho-cyber drugs, cosmetic surgery at your fingertips and in your own house; indeed, a house that responds to your every need and whim.

  • Lois Gresh is the co-author, with her son, of the Chuck Farris PlayStation2 action adventure series. She is also the author of Dragonball Z: An Unauthorized Guide (St. Martin’s Press, 2000), The Computers of Star Trek (Basic Books, 2000), and The Termination Node (Del Rey Books, 1999) and is writing The Science of Superheroes for John Wiley and Sons. Lois has written dozens of suspense, science fiction, and fantasy stories, which have been nominated five times for the Bram Stoker and Theodore Sturgeon Awards. The Termination Node was on the Nebula Award ballot for Best Novel of 1999 (Science Fiction Writers of America).

  • Published: October 2001

    ISBN: 9781550224597

    Dimensions: 6.25 x 9.25 in.

    Pages: 250

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