Hilary Price is a modern James Thurber . . . in a B-cup. When readers flip through this cartoon collection, they’ll see their own foibles called to the carpet.
Perfect for a gift book or commode companion, each of the eleven topics — including Pets, Love, and Play — is treated to its own distinct book, complete with author commentary on different strips, and their funny (or odd) back stories. Twice nominated for the best cartoon panel division of the National Cartoonist’s Society, Rhymes With Orange appeals to the smart, attractive, and well-read, all with buckets of money to spend on books.
“Hilary Price is one of the freshest voices the comic strip industry has seen in years. Her innocent, pastoral-like artwork blended with the diction and wit of an English major make for one of the best comic strips out there.&rdquo:
— Dave Coverly, Speed Bump cartoonist
Hilary B. Price graduated from Stanford, and started Rhymes with Orange when she was twenty-five. A few years later, she packed up and moved to Massachusetts where she draws the strip in what was once a toothbrush factory. Rhymes with Orange appears in 135 newspapers across North America, including the Toronto Star. Whenever someone asks Hilary’s father what he does for a living, he responds “I’m a cartoonist’s model.” And it’s true — whenever you see a sixty-something guy with a moustache in the strip, you’re looking at her dad.
Published: December 2007
ISBN: 9781550227567
Dimensions: 8 x 6 in.
Pages: 224